I love my family. We're unique, epsecially when me, my mother and my lil sister share our birthdays in three consecutive days (25th, 24th and 26th respectively). No wonder we're so close =)

This year round, I suggested we should try something else other than the usual pricey restaurants and perhaps try a variety of food at Newton Circus. The last time I came here with my friends I had a gastronomically good time, so I thought why not go for more now. And we did =)
Main Course
As usual, I reward good service. So I brought my family and relatives back to the same stall. We arrived around 5.45pm to avoid the dinner crowd, and it was already starting to fill up. So fellas, if you want to have a good seat under shelter, the best time is to come by 6pm, and then take your leisurely time to order.
Here's the roll of food, in order of appearance, heh ;)
Fried Kangkong with Sambal: 8.5/10

Medium-sized dish at $8. Well cooked with delicious sambal, great with rice.
BBQ Sambal Stingray: 8/10

Today's stingray was actually better than what I had the last time, largely because it wasn't as burnt on the sides and the meat was very fresh indeed. Served so hot you could actually see a couple of bubbles haha.
Fried Omelette: 7/10

Another one of the dishes that has markedly improved since the last visit. Not oily at all, with more prawns and certainly more taste. We bought this because we had the little ones to think about, and we were concerned that many of the dishes we were ordering were probably going to be too spicy for them.
Fried Tofu: 6/10

When we asked the stallholder if he had something like hotplate tofu (again, for the kids), he described this dish as "the same thing, only served on paper (sic) plate". Haha, so there you go.
Very ordinary stuff, the usual fare you get almost... Anywhere. Haha.
Sweet and Sour Chicken: 7.5/10

This was much better than the Lemon Chicken! Nice gravy to go along with the crispy chicken pieces.
Black Pepper Beef: 7.7/10

Not bad, but some slices of beef could be a little tough. Still, I find it to be cooked pretty well and I like it.
Black Pepper Crayfish: 8/10

My my, not only is this fresh, it's also so yummy. The black pepper sauce is damn good. If only the crayfish had more flesh lah, but still I was waiting for my chilli crabs...
Grilled Sotong: 8.5/10

I was staring at this for some time because we didn't order it at the start. In the end, I did anyway, because I know it's good. It's so fresh and well-cooked, and this is probably one of the favourites of the day.
Chilli Crab: 8.8/10

Ah yes, this was what I was waiting for. And thank goodness it didn't disappoint. Very generous servings of eggs and chilli gravy, and like the rest of the dishes, this was very fresh too (if you're wondering how I tell some things are fresh, we need to go out together someday and I'll show you how to see if they are, usually it's that bit of moisture, that bit of texture, and that bit of colour!).
Fried Mantou Bread: 7.7/10

All fried mantou bread taste the same to be honest, though this one was like the mantou minis. Still it was jolly good, a tad crispy too. Just had so much fun dipping it in the chilli gravy. Awww yum yum.
Denmark Seafood. Stall 49.
Total for all 9 dishes was $130. Inclusive of eleven bowls of rice (me and my uncle had another helping hehe).
Very friendly and helpful, and so attentive that when my uncle bought popiah at the start the stallholder immediately provided plates for him.

Tadpole De Soursop: 7.7/10

One of the desserts that I managed to take a picture of. Two other desserts were ordered and they were both chendol. Funny name, but it was sweet and a pretty cool dessert after all that spicy food!
Sim Huat Cold Drinks and Beer. Stall 48.
No idea, haha. 2 chendols and this tadpole thing cost $5 altogether.
Wow, that was a good dinner indeed. If you include the popiah appetiser that we had (couldn't get the photograph on that), this was truly a ten course dinner indeed. And so cheap too, considering we're having it here at Newton. Imagine if it's at No Signboard or something.
Coolness yay *smiles*
Additional Comments
On my walkabout:
1. Stalls 31, 53, 74 and 78 are certified Halal.
2. Stalls 35 and 49 market themselves as "No pork, no lard".
3. There seems to be a drinks stall for every 2-3 food stall!
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