17 March 2010

Red Mango Frozen Yogurt

A quick post while I'm busy at work, and another dessert one at that since it's faster to write too. Don't worry though, there's a host of savouries lined up for you from tomorrow onwards so stay tuned! Till then, here's Red Mango yogurt, something sweet for those who want to indulge but are worried about tipping the scales. I know I should be showing a cup full of sliced fruits and healthy nuts but I got this from the NUS Open House bazaar over the weekend and I didn't see any fruits around. So froot loops it is.

I realised that yogurts from yogurt "boutiques" or "parlours" such as Red Mango, Frolick and Yami have kind of lost the "sour" of typical yogurts that you can still find at the supermarkets, and instead have actually gone sweeter. This was something another blogger was also thinking about while she was posting on her favourite Yami. Less fat but more sugar surely doesn't make yogurts any more healthy. Guess I'll just keep to my favourite ice-creams then ;)

$4 for a medium cup of original yogurt, $1 for a top-up ingredient.

Picture taken with the Nokia N85.


  1. I like red mango. Though Yami is cheaper, the former has a smoother and creamier texture.

  2. Hello Frances! Hope you're doing good. I think I need to head to Suntec to try Red Mango proper with fruits and all.

  3. Try it with granola! My favourite :)

  4. Yeah, I saw your old post on Red Mango. Looks so much healthier than mine :)

  5. ooo Harris! I love red mango! and they were at NUS??? roar if I knew I'd have made my way down to mainc ampus for awhile just to have it :D

  6. yeah they were there, something sweet for sanity amidst the crowds haha. your open house was at btc throughout?
