"Be Veg, Go Green". Looks like you don't just "go green" by replacing that fuel-guzzling car for a hybrid or reduce your use of electricity-sappers like air-conditioners - what you eat seems to help as well.

I was looking through some of the food blogs, as I do ever so often, and came upon a post about Loving Hut and its vegetarian dishes done to a likeness of the "real" (non-vegetarian) dishes. It seemed pretty interesting to me (for more, click here for the menu) and you can say I was curious as well on how the food would turn out to be.
Dry Mee Pok: 2.75/5

I hesitated on giving a score for these noodles because 1) I'm not exactly a fan of mee pok, and 2) I prefer knowing what exactly I'm eating, and in this case I didn't really know what were those dark, bland-tasting things that are meant to replace minced meat. Do take my review here with a (big) pinch of salt because I do sincerely think vegetarian food needs a bit getting used to especially for the more carnivorous folks like me. The chilli base was pretty alright, and so were the noodles.
Dry Wanton Mee: 3.5/5

I think Daphne enjoyed her lunch more than I did, and with good reason too. The mock meat had a better and more familiar taste to me (as compared to my "fishballs") and the wanton, though pretty empty, was crispy. I liked her noodles more.
Tofu Jacket: 3.25/5

This was probably intended to be the vegetarian version to the "ngor hiang" (Chinese spiced meat rolls) and Daphne liked this quite a lot. I didn't know exactly what I was chomping on but it was quite good since it added the much needed flavour to my own noodles.
Good and polite.
$4.80 for each of the noodles
$3.80 for the tofu jacket
#01-07 Parklane Shopping Mall, Selegie Road.
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